SOURAFEL GIRMA, SANDRA LANCHEROS and ALEJANDRO RIAÑO, 2016. Global Engagement and Returns Volatility Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 78(6), 814-833 GIRMA, SOURAFEL, GONG, YUNDAN, GOERG, HOLGER and LANCHEROS, SANDRA, 2015. Investment liberalisation, technology take-off and export markets entry: Does foreign ownership structure matter? JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION. 116, 254-269 M. SHAHID EBRAHIM, SOURAFEL GIRMA, M. ESKANDAR SHAH and JONATHAN WILLIAMS, 2014. Rationalizing the Value Premium in Emerging Markets Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 29, 51-70 M. SHAHID EBRAHIM, SOURAFEL GIRMA and M. ESKANDAR SHAH, 2014. Dynamic capital structure and political patronage: The case of Malaysia International Review of Financial Analysis. 31, 117-128 DAVID GREENAWAY and SOURAFEL GIRMA, 2013. ‘Who Benefits from Foreign Direct Investment in the United Kingdom?’ More Than 10 Years On Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 60(5), 575-577
MILNER, C., HENRY, M., KNELLER, R. and GIRMA, S., 2012. Do natural barriers affect the relationship between trade openness and growth? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 74(1), 1-19 LOCKETT, A, WIKLUND J, DAVIDSON P, GIRMA S, 2011. Organic and acquistive growth: re-examining and extending the Penrose's growth theory Journal of Management Studies. 27, 48-74
GIRMA, S. and PATON, D., 2011. The impact of emergency birth control on teen pregnancy and STIs Journal of Health Economics. 30(2), 373-380 GORG, H., GIRMA, S., HANLEY, A. and STROBL, E., 2010. The effect of grant receipt on start-up size: Evidence from plant level data Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 8, 371-391 H GORG, J WAGNER, GIRMA S, 2009. Subsidies and Exports in Germany - First Evidence from Enterprise Panel Data Applied Economics Quarterly. 55(3), 179-198
GIRMA, S., GONG, Y., GÖRG, H. and YU, Z., 2009. Can production subsidies explain China's export performance?: evidence from firm-level data The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 111(4), 863–891 WRIGHT, M., AMESS, K., WEIR, C. and GIRMA, S., 2009. Private equity and corporate governance: retrospect and prospect Corporate Governance: An International Review. 17(3), 353-375 AMESS, K and GIRMA, S, 2009. Do Stock Markets Value Efficiency? Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 56(3), pp. 321-331 GIRMA, S., GÖRG, H. and PISU, M., 2008. Exporting, linkages and productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment Canadian Journal of Economics. 41(1), 320-340 HANLEY, A., GIRMA, S. and GORG, H., 2008. R&D and Exporting: Comparison of British and Irish Firms Review of World Economics. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S. and GONG, Y., 2008. Putting people first?: Chinese state-owned enterprises’ adjustment to globalisation International Journal of Industrial Organization. 26(2), 573-585 GIRMA, S., GÖRG, H., STROBL, E. and WALSH, F., 2008. Creating jobs through public subsidies: an empirical analysis Labour Economics. 15(6), 1179-1199 GIRMA, S. and SHORTLAND, A., 2008. The political economy of financial development Oxford Economic Papers. 60(4), 567-596 FENN, P., GRAY, A. and RICKMAN, N., 2007. Standard fees for legal aid: an empirical analysis of incentives and contracts Oxford Economic Papers. 59(4), 662-681 GIRMA, S., KNELLER, R. and PISU, M., 2007. Do exporters have anything to learn from foreign multinationals? European Economic Review. 51(4), 993-1010 GIRMA,S.N., THOMPSON,S.N. and WRIGHT,P.N., 2007. Corporate Governance Reforms and Executive Compensation The Manchester School. 75, 65-81 GIRMA, S. and THOMPSON, S., 2007. Control Transactions: Productivity, Wage and Employment Implications: An Introduction International Journal of the Economics of Business. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S. and GÖRG, H., 2007. Multinationals’ productivity advantage: scale or technology? Economic Inquiry. 45(2), 350–362
GIRMA, S. and GORG, H., 2007. Multinationals' productivity advantage: Scale or technology? Economic Inquiry. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S., GORG, H. and STROBL, E., 2007. The effect of government grants on plant survival: A micro-econometric analysis International Journal of Industrial Organization. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S., GORG, H. and STROBL, E., 2007. The effect of government grants on plant level productivity Economics Letters. (In Press.)
DU, J. and GIRMA, S., 2007. Finance and Firm Export in China: KYKLOS -BERNE-. VOL 60(NUMBER 1), 37-54 GIRMA, S. and GONG, Y., 2007. FDI, Linkages and the Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprises in China Journal of Development Studies. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S. and KEDIR, A., 2007. Quadratic Engle Curves with Measurement Errors: Evidence from a Budget Survey Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S., GORG, H. and STROBL, E., 2007. The effects of government grants on plant survival: A micro-econometric analysis International Journal of Industrial Organisation. (In Press.)
GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P., 2006. The impact of merger activity on executive pay in the United Kingdom Economica. 73(290), 321-339 GIRMA, S.N., THOMPSON, S.N. and WRIGHT, P.N., 2006. International acquisitions, domestic competition and firm performance International Journal of the Economics of Business. 13(3), 335-349 HANLEY, A. and GIRMA, S., 2006. New ventures and their credit terms Small Business Economics. 26(4), 351-364 GIRMA, S., GONG, Y. and GORG, H., 2006. Product Innovation as a Channel of FDI Spillovers: The Case of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. In: Multinationals, Clusters and Innovation: Does Public Policy Matter?
GOMANEE, K., GIRMA, S. and MORRISSEY, O., 2005. Aid, Public Spending and Human Welfare: Evidence from Quantile Regressions Journal of International Development. 17(3), 299-310 GIRMA, S and KNELLER, R., 2005. Productivity levels and dynamics: UK service sector firms 1988-1998. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 52(5), 736-746 PISU, M., GIRMA, S. and KNELLER, R., 2005. Exports versus FDI: An Empirical Test Review of World Economics. 141(2), 193-218
GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P., 2005. Empirical Evidence on Foreign Ownership and Productivity Growth. In: Globalisation and Productivity Growth Palgrave Publishing Co. Ltd, The, Weybridge, Surrey, UK.
GIRMA, S., KNELLER, R. and PISU, M., 2005. Multinationals, Exporting and Overseas Production. In: Globalisation and Productivity Growth Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Basingstoke, UK.
GIRMA, S. and GONG, Y., 2005. Exporting, Cross-Border Investment and Employment Dynamics: An Empirical Investigation. In: Contemporary International Trade Issues Nova Publishers, New York.
GIRMA,S. and KNELLWER,R., 2005. Productivity Levels and Dynamics: The UK Service Sector 1988 - 1999 Scottish Journal of Political Economy.
GIRMA, S., GORG, H. and MAIOLI, S., 2005. Longitudinal Microdata Study of Business Support Programmes DTI.
GIRMA, S., GREENAWAY, D. and KNELLER, R., 2004. Does exporting increase productivity?: a microeconometric analysis of matched firms Review of International Economics. 12(5), 855-866 CONYON, M.J., GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P.W., 2004. Do wages rise or fall following merger? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 65(5), 847-862 GIRMA, S. and GORG, H., 2004. Outsourcing, Foreign Ownership, and Productivity: Evidence from UK Establishment-level Data Review of International Economics. VOL 12(NUMBER 5), 817-832 GIRMA, S. and GORG, H., 2004. Blessing or Curse? Domestic Plants' Survival and Employment Prospects after Foreign Acquisition Applied Economics Quarterly. VOL 50(NUMB 1), 89-110
GIRMA, S., GREENAWAY, D. and KNELLER, R., 2003. Export market exit and performance dynamics: a causality analysis of matched firms Economics Letters. VOL 80(NUMBER 2), 181-187 THOMPSON, S., CONYON, M., GIRMA, S. and WRIGHT, P., 2003. Multinational Firms and Labour. In: Essays in Honour of Keith Cowling Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham.
GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P., 2003. Corporate Governance Reforms and Executive Compensation In: Royal Economic Society.
GIRMA,S., 2003. The Domestic Performance of UK Multinationals National Institute Economic Review. 185, 78-92 GIRMA,S. and DRIFFIELD,N., 2003. Regional FDI and Wages Spillovers: Evidence from the UK Electronics Industry Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 65, 453-474 GIRMA, S, GÖRG, H and STROBL, E, 2003. Exports, International Investment, And Plant Performance: Evidence From A Non-Parametric Test Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and GÖRG, H, 2003. Evaluating The Causal Effects Of Foreign Acquisition On Domestic Skilled And Unskilled Wages Nottingham.
GOMANEE, K, GIRMA, S and MORRISSEY, O, 2003. Searching For Aid Threshold Effects Nottingham.
GOMANEE, K, GIRMA, S and MORRISSEY, O, 2003. Aid, Public Spending And Human Welfare: Evidence From Quantile Regressions Nottingham.
2003. Threshold And Interaction Effects In The Openness-Productivity Growth Relationship: The Role Of Institutions And Natural Barriers Nottingham.
CONYON, M.J., GIRMA, S, THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P.W., 2002. The impact of mergers and acquisitions on company employment in the United Kingdom European Economic Review. 46(1), 31-49 CONYON, M.J., GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P.W., 2002. The productivity and wage effects of foreign acquisition in the United Kingdom. Journal of Industrial Economics. 50(1), 85-102
GREENAWAY, D., WAKELIN, K. and GIRMA, S., 2002. Does Anti-Dumping Stimulate FDI? Review of World Economics. 67, 229-244
THOMPSON,S., GIRMA,S. and WRIGHT,P., 2002. Why Do Foreign Firms Have Higher Wages and Labour Productivity? Economic and Social Review. 33(1), 93-100
GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P., 2002. Multinational Activity and CEO Compensation: Preliminary Evidence from Large UK Firms Review of World Economics. VOL 138(PART 4), 680-693 GIRMA, S., 2002. A Quasi-Differencing Approach to Dynamic Modelling from a Time Series of Independent Cross Sections. In: Recent Developments in the Econometrics of Panel Data Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham.
GIRMA, S. and WAKELIN, K., 2002. Are there Regional Spillovers from FDI in the UK?. In: Trade, Investment, Migration and Labour Markets MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London.
GIRMA, S., GREENAWAY, D. and WAKELIN, K., 2002. Does Antidumping Stimulate FDI? Evidence from Japanese Firms in the UK Review of World Economics. VOL 138(PART 3), 414-436 GIRMA, S., GREENAWAY, D. and KNELLER, R., 2002. Exporting and Business Performance Trade Partners UK, Department of Trade and Industry.
GIRMA, S, GREENAWAY, D and KNELLER, R, 2002. Exporting And Business Performance: A Report For Uk Trade & Investment [S.l.].
GIRMA, S and GÖRG, H, 2002. Outsourcing, Foreign Ownership And Productivity: Evidence From Uk Establishment Level Data Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and GÖRG, H, 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Spillovers And Absorptive Capacity : Evidence From Quantile Regressions Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and GREENAWAY, D, 2002. Does Exporting Lead To Better Performance?: A Microeconomic Analysis Of Matched Firms Nottingham.
GIRMA, S, 2002. Absorptive Capacity And Productivity Spillovers From Fdi: A Threshold Regression Analysis Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and GÖRG, H, 2002. Foreign Ownership, Returns To Scale And Productivity: Evidence From Uk Manufacturing Establishments Nottingham.
DRIFFIELD, NL and GIRMA, S, 2002. Regional Foreign Direct Investment And Wage Spillovers: Plant Level Evidence From The Electronics Industry Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and THOMPSON, S, 2002. Merger Activity And Executive Pay Nottingham.
GOMANEE, K, GIRMA, S and MORRISSEY, O, 2002. Aid And Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa: Accounting For Transmission Mechanisms Nottingham.
GIRMA, S., GREENAWAY, D. and WAKELIN, K., 2001. Who Benefits from Foreign Direct Investment in the UK? Scottish Journal of Political Economy. VOL 48(PART 2), 119-133 CONYON, M.J., GIRMA, S., THOMPSON, S. and WRIGHT, P.W., 2001. Do hostile mergers destroy jobs? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 45(4), 427-440 GIRMA, S and GÖRG, H, 2001. Blessing Or Curse?: Domestic Plants' Survival And Employment Prospects After Foreign Acquisition Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and YU, Z, 2000. The Link Between Immigration And Trade: Evidence From The Uk Nottingham.
GIRMA, S and WAKELIN, K, 2000. Are There Regional Spillovers From Fdi In The Uk? Nottingham.
GIRMA, S, GREENAWAY, D and WAKELIN, K, 1999. Wages, Productivity And Foreign Ownership In Uk Manufacturing Nottingham.
GIRMA, S, GREENAWAY, D and WAKELIN, K, 1999. Anti-Dumping, Trade Barriers And Japanese Direct Investment In The Uk Nottingham.