A Lost Generation Revisited - 70 Years after the Chinese Civil War

Keighton Auditorium, University Park
Thursday 3rd May 2018 (16:00-18:00)

 If you are interested in attending please reserve your place by emailing https://lost-generation-revisited.eventbrite.co.uk

Wine Reception following the talk at 5.30pm


The Taiwan Studies Programme (TSP) is delighted a to announce a public lecture by Professor Lung Yingtai   龍應台 Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities, University of Hong Kong, introduction by Graham Hutchings, Principal at Oxford Analytica.


Millions of young men in China were involved in the war against Japan during WWII and the bloody civil war which broke out right after 1945.

Following communist victory in 1949, about 2 million refugees escaped to the island of Taiwan, among whom were circa 600,000 Nationalist soldiers, mostly young men in their 20’s.  At the same time, a large number of their comrades stayed behind in China.   Locked into two opposing regimes and systems since 1949, have their fates been different?

Speakers biography

Lung Yingtai, former Minister of Culture of Taiwan, is also a celebrated writer. Having written 30 books, she enjoys a large readership in greater China. During her 13 years' sojourn in Europe, Lung was a regular contributor for European papers such as the Frankfurter Allgemeinung Zeitung. Lung Yingtai was first appointed Commissioner of Culture by the mayor of Taipei in 1999 and then Minister of Culture in May, 2012. She left her post as Culture Minister in December, 2014. Currently Lung is Hung Leong Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities at the University of Hong Kong. 

 (www.oxan.com) the global analysis and advisory firm, which draws on an expert network of scholars to deliver insights into the meaning of political, social and economic events for clients in governments and corporations around the world. Graham was China Correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph from 1987 to 1998, based first in Beijing and then Hong Kong. His current research interest is 'China in the Year 1949', focusing on the transformation of individual lives and national fortunes. 

If you are interested in attending please reserve your place by emailing https://lost-generation-revisited.eventbrite.co.uk 

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