Chemistry Innovation Laboratory
The most recent round of the Chemistry Innovation Laboratory ended in 2023. Enquiries should be directed to Nottingham Analytical
The Chemistry Innovation Laboratory (CIL) is an initiative part funded by the European Regional Development Fund for supporting innovation and growth in chemistry using SMEs within the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area. It provides the opportunity for businesses to access specialist skills, knowledge, equipment and new technologies available through The University of Nottingham’s internationally leading School of Chemistry. Assistance is tailored to suit the needs of each company and projects can include analytical and characterisation support, product development support, developing improved manufacturing processes and providing quality control services. The mechanisms for delivering this support include laboratory work, feasibility studies, consultancy, literature reviews and graduate placements. If you have alternative requirements, please contact us with more details to see if we can help.
CIL is managed through the School of Chemistry Business Partnership Unit and draws upon all of the expertise, facilities and contacts available to the School. The School has a long history of establishing mutually beneficial research and commercial partnerships with a wide variety of companies spanning the pharmaceutical, chemical and related chemistry using sectors.
CIL is part of an extensive business support programme, Driving Research and Innovation. This programme spans Chemsitry, Manufacturing Engineering and Food and Brewing Science at UoN.
CIL in partnership with four trade and professional bodies (IChemE, RSC, SCI, CIA) has also pioneered the formation of a regional network of chemistry using businesses and universities “EMChem” that focusses on developing collaborations, establishing new supply chains and sharing sector specific skills, knowledge and best practice.

The School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham is one of the leading Chemistry Schools in the UK and is recognised internationally for its world leading research portfolio, excellence in teaching and extensive engagement with Industry. Its expertise spans the spectrum of modern chemical technology including synthesis, analysis and characterisation, ranging from the core disciplines (organic/biological chemistry, inorganic/materials chemistry and physical/theoretical chemistry) to areas at the interface with biological sciences (e.g. medicinal chemistry) and Engineering (sustainable chemical processing).