
NEW - Georg Rajka Medal Competition

Awarded to the most outstanding contribution from a young investigator into atopic eczema/dermatitis in memory of the late Georg Rajka


In memory of the late Professor Georg Rajka who started the atopic dermatitis symposia, his wife, Susanne Rajka, kindly agreed to award a medal at each ISAD Symposium to the best scientific contribution by a young investigator. 

Georg Rajka Medal Winner 2014

We are pleased to announce the winner of the first Georg Rajka medal is Dr Jonathan Silverberg. A medal, specially made in memory of Georg Rajka, was presented to Dr Silverberg at the conference dinner of the 8th ISAD meeting 2014 in Nottingham, UK.


Rules and submission guidelines


  1. The award can only apply to those registered for the Georg Rajka Symposiums
  2. The award must go to a young investigator which means below the age of 40 years at the time of submission
  3. The medal is open to all researchers, medical or otherwise, providing the topic deals with human atopic eczema/dermatitis (and not inflammation generally)
  4. The work can be basic science, epidemiology or clinical research, but it is must be original research rather than an editorial or clinical review
  5. The research should refer to data that is original and which has been performed by the candidate
  6. It is up to the candidate to ensure that his/her co-authors agree with and give permission for the work to be submitted
  7. Joint submissions will not be allowed
  8. Only one award will be made on each occasion
What you need to do:
  • Submit a pdf of your best 1-2 papers on atopic eczema/dermatitis research published in the year prior to the ISAD meeting -- this must be a full paper published in print or online during that period
  • The young investigator must be the first or corresponding author on the submissions 
  • Please also include a cover letter (maximum of 500 words) to explain why your contribution is unique, outstanding and what impact it has had or is likely to achieve
  • In that letter, you should describe the role you played in the study and that you assume responsibility of the authenticity of the data
  • In addition to your paper(s) and short cover letter, please also include a short CV of no more than four pages

Send your submission to:

Professor Johannes Ring, Chair of the International Society of Atopic Dermatitis Board to be judged by the Board of Directors



The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151