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 Time Session
9:30 - 9:45
Registration and teas & coffees
The Atrium, School of Law

9:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:10
Transit to presentation rooms
10:10 - 11:30

Parallel Panel 1

Judging in Intellectual Property Matters

Chair: Sabine Jacques, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Dr Andrea Tosato, University of Nottingham

Judging Online Re-creation Culture in the 21st Century

Khanuengnit Khaosaeng, Queen Mary University of London

Role of Female Judges in the Lower Courts: A Case Study of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court Small Claims Track (TBC)
Sheona Mary Lockhart Burrow, University of Glasgow
A1 Law and Social Sciences Building (LASS)
Parallel Panel 2

Public Law 1

Chair: Auriane Botte, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Professor Stephen Bailey, President of the Society of Legal Scholars

Judging in the 21st Century: Human Rights Between Universalism, Pluralism and Constitutional Democracy

Christos Tsevas, University of Strasbourg (France)

Parliamentary Sovereignty, The Rule of Law and the English Judge
Krystof Turek, University College London
11:30 - 11:40
11:40 - 13:00

Parallel Panel 3

Judging Constitutions

Chair: Rossella Pulvirenti, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Professor Stephen Bailey, President of the Society of Legal Scholars

Egyptian Judiciary: From Compromised Independence to Rogue Autonomy

Ahmed El-Sayed, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Judging the Caribbean Court of Justice
Matthew Gayle, University of Birmingham

13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:20

Parallel Panel 4

Judging the Criminal Justice Process

Chair: Angelika Reichstein, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Professor Paul Roberts, University of Nottingham

The Variations in the Notion of a Tribunal According with Tiers of Summary Criminal Processes: A Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Vietnam

Tien Dat Bui, Macquarie University (Australia)

Respective the Private Lives of Those Subject to the Criminal Justice Process: How is Article 8(1) Engaged in Surveillance and Data Retention Cases?
Joe Purshouse, University of Nottingham

Parallel Panel 5

Judging in the EU

Chair: Richard Watkins, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Dr Julia Schmidt, University of Nottingham

21st century judgements of the Court of Justice of the EU regarding the recognition of professional qualifications: Much ado about nothing or much ado about something?

Soultana Maria Tsagka, University of Surrey

Consumer Standards in the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive: Can Behavioural Economics Serve as an Interpretative Tool for Judges?
Eleni Kaprou, University of Nottingham
15:20 - 15:45
Break - Tea and Coffee
15:45 - 17:45

Parallel Panel 6

Judging Beyond the Courts

Chair: Marc Wesley, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Professor Mary Footer, University of Nottingham

The Rise of International Arbitration as a Challenge to Judging: A Fresh Look

Agnieszka Ason, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

Criteria for Judging in the WTO Regime: Changing Themes in Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Luyao Che, University of Nottingham

The People as the Judge of a Way Forward for Oil and Gas Investment and Development in the 21st Century
Piti Eiamchamroonlarp, University of Aberdeen

Parallel Panel 7

Judging International Justice

Chair: Hemi Mistry, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Professor Olympia Bekou, University of Nottingham

The Emerging Customary Crime of Terrorism under International Law: An Examination of how Domestic Criminal Law Influenced the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s Interlocutory Decision

Anna Marie Brennan, University College, Cork (Ireland)

Judging in the 21st Century: the challenges posed on the international judge with regard to the material breach of a treaty

Maria Xiouri, Queen Mary, University of London

One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards: A General Analysis of the US Supreme Court’s Decisions in the ‘Enemy Combatants’ Cases
Masoud Zamani, University of Nottingham
18:00 - 18:45
Keynote Speech
Title TBC
Professor Alan Paterson, University of Strathclyde
19:00 onwards
Conference Dinner for Speakers and Discussants
The Orchard Hotel, University Park Campus

SLS PhD Conference

C/O School of Law, The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151