
Help tell the story of the coronavirus and UoN

Wednesday, 29 July 2020
You are invited to submit photos, videos and anecdotes that help tell your story of the University during the pandemic.

Since March 2020 life has changed dramatically for everyone. For the first time in its history the University moved all teaching and assessment online and asked all but essential staff to work from home.

Teaching staff used new and innovative ways to deliver online teaching, often interrupted by children and pets, and featuring some dodgy décor.

We worked alongside local and national stakeholders to provide expertise and support to those fighting the coronavirus.

Researchers began work on vaccines and treatment as well as the impact of the coronavirus across many different areas of life.

Security teams joined in weekly NHS clap for carers and while large parts of our campuses lay empty wildlife thrived.

As the crisis continued thoughts turned to the future. Teams were put in place to get essential buildings reopened - albeit in a very different way - and in September we plan to welcome you back to Nottingham.

Official records and communications (such as blogs and press releases) are being collected for the University Archive. These will help document the University community’s work related to the pandemic for the benefit of future generations, but we are asking for your help in bringing it to life.

We’d like to include your photos and videos from all campuses including China and Malaysia, sharing key moments from the months of the pandemic.

This might be pictures of your home study space, screenshots of Teams seminars, or photos of how you’ve been studying.

A selection of these will then be used to create a visual timeline and will be added to the University Archive to complement the official institutional records.

Please think about what you would like to remember about University life during the last few months and consider submitting content to tell your story. Bear in mind that this material may be published online so do seek permission from anyone featured in your content. Images, videos and content should be submitted to

If you are filming new video footage please consider the following guidelines.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353