
[Postponed] No Place for Hate

Monday, 16 March 2020
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. How do you recognise a microagression? And where do we draw the line between banter and harassment?

The No Place for Hate campaign will be running across our UK campuses from Monday 16 – Friday 27 March and it’s your chance to get the answers to all of the questions you’ve never felt comfortable enough to ask.

We’re going to be examining all aspects of equality, diversity and inclusivity, and not just the obvious stuff. We’ll look at how different issues might manifest themselves on- and off-campus, and how we can all work together to recognise and challenge these issues, making Nottingham a more welcome and inclusive place for everyone.

You’ll find a full list of events and resources on our No Place for Hate webpage.

To some, it might be obvious what (for example) a hate crime is, but for others it might not be so clear. And remember, it doesn’t have to be a hate crime to hurt, so being able to identify a range of issues makes it easier to challenge inappropriate behaviours.

No-one is an expert in everything, and that’s okay – as long as you’re willing to learn and to change your behaviours accordingly. With this in mind, we’ll be running a series of Q&As on Instagram where you can ask any question you have that relates to EDI.

If you want to ask your question anonymously, you can do so by completing this Microsoft Form.

Make sure you stay tuned to our social media channels for lots of useful resources and support services.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353