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Getting in touch


Student perspective

"Dyslexic students often think they have lost marks for poor written expression. It is important that they know when this is not the case and what the reasons are for disappointing performance. Failure to answer the question may stem from a dyslexia related reading issue, and lack of detail may be connected with revision and memory."

Source: Academic Support tutor, July 2007.

Students in discussion

Dyslexia video: "Dyslexic students and exams: giving effective feedback on performance.." Duration: 4 minutes : 13 seconds

Dyslexic students and exams: giving effective feedback on performance.

"…and then the student can start to say ‘well that's where I'm going wrong’ and stop worrying about the extraneous things…" (4 min 13s video by Barbara Taylor et al.)

Teaching methods

Inclusive teaching:

  • Have a transparent method of offering formative feedback for both coursework and exams.
  • Allow students to see marked exam papers with feedback comments.
  • Allow the opportunity for follow-up discussion on written feedback comments.
  • Offer pointers on how marks might be improved in future.

Examples of practice

Dyslexia video: "Feedback on exams: written sheets in History.." Duration: 2 minutes : 28 seconds

Feedback on exams: written sheets in History.

"…students who've got very particular learning strategies can get feedback on how those strategies are actually working…" (2 min 28s video by Nick Thomas)

Dyslexia video: "Feedback on exams: 1 to 1 tutorials in Geography.." Duration: 1 minute : 26 seconds

Feedback on exams: 1 to 1 tutorials in Geography.

"…we give them their numeric marks…and then back that up…by giving them much more intensive feedback in a PARS tutorial…" (1 min 26s video by Robert Dugdale)

Reasonable adjustments:

  • Offer feedback that is additional to that normally offered. This might include further follow-up of comments about writing such as advice on essay structure or understanding of the question.
  • Refer to Academic Support tutors to discuss strategies.

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