
Reasonable adjustments video: Students tape recording lectures and meetings (2 minutes : 47 seconds)

Robert Dugdale (School of Geography), Alex Sallis (School of Politics & International Relations), Nick Thomas (School of History).

Have you ever had students tape-recording in your lecture?

Nick Thomas, History:
Yes, it's perfectly possible for students to sit down at the front - obviously the technology means that they have to sit right at the front - but certainly, we've had a number of students in the past who've tape-recorded lectures; I have no problem with that.

The key issue is being aware that they're taping and not turning away from the class, because obviously that means that they can't pick up on the sound. So as long as the lecturer knows that there's somebody there who is taping it's very useful to know that's the case.

Then it means that those kind of interventions where you're turning to the side, pointing to the board, and then it means that the technology doesn't pick up on your voice, that can be avoided. But apart from that there has been no problem with that at all.

Some people get very worked up about being taped or having to provide lecture notes in general. There are issues like international copyright and so on. I think that's a culture that's changed radically over the last few years, maybe the disability act has changed that, I don't know. Certainly I've not had a problem with it myself.

I have known other members of staff who have, it seems to resolve itself, really, because students make it very clear, "Look, this is because of x reason," whether it's because a student's got hearing difficulties or they've got dyslexia or whatever and you're in a position now of students really having a genuine need, and then that certainly needs to be met so it just resolves itself.

Bob Dugdale, Geography:
It's not a problem, it never has been for me, I mean I think it's courteous for them to tell you what's happening or actually it can be very distracting if you don't know that there is somebody in the class going to be sort of taking notes.

It's often, you know, when there's someone sat next to someone just sat listening to something next to us busily scribbling away and it can be a little bit off-putting initially. If you know what they're there for then it's not a problem, but right, ok, so I think that just other than the normal courtesies of just being told what's happening, I don't think any of my colleagues would have any objections to tape-recorders being used or note-takers being there or whatever.

Alex Sallis, student, Politics & International Relations:
My dissertation supervisor allowed me to take in a dictaphone to one of my supervision meetings and I didn't lose it, you know, I came out of that meeting and I had it all on tape so I could go over it and fill in the gaps of what I'd forgotten.

One time in particular for an essay I had to do with one tutor, the tutor concerned, and I received a very very high grade, kind of the highest I've ever ever achieved, and it was the first time I'd actually used this dictaphone so, you know, I have a big thumbs up for that.

Produced: June 2007, in collaboration with the University's Promoting Enhanced Student Learning (PESL) initiative.

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Teaching: Projects and dissertations (reasonable adjustments)

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Printed: 04:01 pm, Wednesday 19th February 2025