Browse videos
The project
Browse by person: videos involving Joe Cornfield.
(School of Mathematical Sciences) |
Dyslexic students: approaching exams and using extra time.
Do you get extra time in exams, and if so, how do you use it?
Joe Cornfield, student, Mathematical Sciences: Yeah, I get…
1 min 49s video, June 2007. |
Dyslexic students choose subjects to suit their strengths.
As part of your third year studies you were asked to do a piece of project work. Can you just say a little bit about how you…
3 min 13s video, June 2007. |
How do students know they are dyslexic?
How was your dyslexia first identified, when did you become aware, and when did that identification lead through to testing…
6 min 48s video, June 2007. |
How a dyslexic student uses handouts during and after the lecture.
Can you give me an example of a teaching and learning approach that you’ve found beneficial?
Joe: Well a lot of the…
2 min 7s video, June 2007. |
Providing annotated slides as handouts after lectures.
One lecturer would have the notes on pdf, and he’d have them on his computer, and as the lecture went on, he'd project…
6 min 24s video, June 2007. |
Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.
Certainly I personally I know a lot of members of staff don't actually keep notes so many members of staff will go into a…
2 min 44s video, June 2007. |