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Getting in touch

Browse by person: videos involving Joe Cornfield.

(School of Mathematical Sciences)

Videos 1 - 6 of 6    

Video: Dyslexic students: approaching exams and using extra time.

Dyslexic students: approaching exams and using extra time.

Do you get extra time in exams, and if so, how do you use it? Joe Cornfield, student, Mathematical Sciences: Yeah, I get…

1 min 49s video, June 2007.

Video: Dyslexic students choose subjects to suit their strengths.

Dyslexic students choose subjects to suit their strengths.

As part of your third year studies you were asked to do a piece of project work. Can you just say a little bit about how you…

3 min 13s video, June 2007.

Video: How do students know they are dyslexic?

How do students know they are dyslexic?

How was your dyslexia first identified, when did you become aware, and when did that identification lead through to testing…

6 min 48s video, June 2007.

Video: How a dyslexic student uses handouts during and after the lecture.

How a dyslexic student uses handouts during and after the lecture.

Can you give me an example of a teaching and learning approach that you’ve found beneficial? Joe: Well a lot of the…

2 min 7s video, June 2007.

Video: Providing annotated slides as handouts after lectures.

Providing annotated slides as handouts after lectures.

One lecturer would have the notes on pdf, and he’d have them on his computer, and as the lecture went on, he'd project…

6 min 24s video, June 2007.

Video: Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.

Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.

Certainly I personally I know a lot of members of staff don't actually keep notes so many members of staff will go into a…

2 min 44s video, June 2007.

Videos 1 - 6 of 6    

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