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Getting in touch

Browse by person: videos involving Nick Thomas.

(School of History)

Videos 1 - 6 of 6    

Video: Feedback on exams: written sheets in History.

Feedback on exams: written sheets in History.

One of the aspects about feedback which is being discussed quite widely at the moment is making the most of all the opportunities…

2 min 28s video, June 2007.

Video: Guiding students in reading for seminars.

Guiding students in reading for seminars.

What can you do to help and support students who are maybe struggling with those skills? Nick Thomas, History: We tailor the…

1 min 23s video, June 2007.

Video: Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.

Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.

Certainly I personally I know a lot of members of staff don't actually keep notes so many members of staff will go into a…

2 min 44s video, June 2007.

Video: Purposes of student-led seminars: development of transferable skills.

Purposes of student-led seminars: development of transferable skills.

I wanted to ask you about seminars and seminar teaching. What is it you actually want your students to gain from participating…

2 min 21s video, June 2007.

Video: Setting up seminars for productive learning.

Setting up seminars for productive learning.

How to help students effectively prepare for seminars bearing in mind that there's this wide set of skills which we want…

1 min 58s video, June 2007.

Video: Students tape recording lectures and meetings.

Students tape recording lectures and meetings.

Have you ever had students tape-recording in your lecture? Nick Thomas, History: Yes, it's perfectly possible for students…

2 min 47s video, June 2007.

Videos 1 - 6 of 6    

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