Eczma Care
University of Nottingham

Testing the Toolkits

We currently developing online toolkits to help people and families get control and keep control of eczema. Once the toolkits are developed we plan to test whether or not they make a difference to people’s eczema. We plan to do this in two clinical trials with 468 people from GP practices and eczema clinics in Southampton, Nottingham, and Bristol.  

People taking part will be in the clinical trial for 12 months and they will be randomly put into one of two groups. One group will have access to the toolkit alongside their usual care, and the second group will continue to receive their usual care and then get access to the toolkit at the end of the study. Having these two groups are essential for being able to tell if the toolkit made a difference to people’s eczema or not.

Key Contacts


What next?

We'll next look at how the toolkit can be made available to people with eczema when they visit health care professionals



Related Content

Blogs: Trial Manager, Finding out about views and experiences of people with eczema for ECO

Eczema Care Online


This website presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (project number RP-PG-0216-20007). The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NIHR, the National Health Service or the Department of Health & Social Care.