Eczma Care
University of Nottingham


Interested in discovering more about the work we're doing? 

During the Eczema Care Online (ECO) project we're making sure we share information about the methods we're using as well as any results. This page brings together our research papers, which are free to access. We've also created additional content to accompany some papers, this includes plain english summaries and blog posts, the links for these can be found below. 

Publications from the ECO programme grants



Evidence to practice – lessons learntin developing an implementation strategyfor an online digital health intervention (Eczema Care Online)
Laura Howells, Kim S. Thomas, Miriam Santer, Ingrid Muller, Kate Greenwell, Amanda Roberts, Hywel C. Williams, Jane Harvey, Stephanie J. Lax, Natasha K. Rogers, Tracey H. Sach, Sandra Lawton, Mary Steele, Katy Sivyer, Julie Hooper, Amina Ahmed, Sylvia Wilczynska, Sinead Langan & Paul Leighton

BMC Health Services Research volume 25, Article number: 187 (2025)

Read the article Overview image


Online behavioural interventions for children and young people with eczema: Quantitative evaluation
Kate Greenwell, Taeko Becque, Katy Sivyer, Mary Steele, James Denison-Day, Laura M Howells, Matthew J Ridd, Amanda Roberts, Sandra Lawton, Sinéad M Langan, Julie Hooper, Sylvia Wilczynska, Gareth Griffiths, Tracey H Sach, Paul Little, Hywel Williams, Kim S Thomas, Lucy Yardley, Ingrid Muller, Miriam Santer, Beth Stuart

Br J Gen Pract. 2024 Feb 5:BJGP.2023.0411.  doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2023.0411. Online ahead of print.

Read the articlePlain English Summary


Exchange Magazine - Spring 2023
Introducing Eczema Care Online, pg 25-28

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Atopic eczema in primary care: evidence update and implications for practice
Miriam Santer, Matthew J Ridd, Jane Harvey, Stephanie Lax, Ingrid Muller, Amanda Roberts and Kim S Thomas
British Journal of General Practice 2024; 74 (738): 40-42.

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Cost-effectiveness of two online interventions supporting self-care for eczema for parents/carers and young people
Sach TH, Onoja M, Clarke H, Santer M, Muller I, Becque T, Stuart B, Hooper J, Steele M, Wilczynska S, Ridd MJ, Roberts A, Ahmed A, Yardley L, Little P, Greenwell K, Sivyer K, Nuttall J, Griffiths G, Lawton S, Langan SM, Howells L, Leighton P, Williams HC, Thomas KS.
Eur J Health Econ (2024).

Read the paper Press release


The long-term safety of topical corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis: A systematic review
Harvey J, Lax SJ, Lowe A, Santer M, Lawton S, Langan SM, Roberts A, Stuart B, Williams HC, Thomas KS.
Skin Health Dis. 2023 Aug 16;3(5):e268. doi: 10.1002/ski2.268.

Read the paper Infographic summary



Topical corticosteroid withdrawal syndrome: the patient community call for high-quality research, clear definitions and diagnostic criteria
Howells L, Broome H, Burleigh A, Hammond H, Ismail F, Proctor A, Roberts A, Thomas K, Leighton P
British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 188, Issue 2, February 2023

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“Eczema shouldn’t control you; you should control eczema”: qualitative process evaluation of online behavioural interventions to support young people and parents/carers of children with eczema
Greenwell K, Sivyer K, Howells LM, Steele M, Ridd MJ,Roberts A, Ahmed A,Lawton S, Langan SM et al.
British Journal of Dermatology, ljac115

Read the paperPlain English Summary




Eczema Care Online behavioural interventions to support self-care for children and young people: two independent, pragmatic, randomised controlled trials
Santer M, Muller I, Becque T, Stuart B, Hooper J, Steele M, Wilczynska S, Sach TH, Ridd MJ, Roberts A,  Ahmed A, Yardley L, Little P, Greenwell K, Sivyer K, Nuttall J, Griffiths G, Lawton S, Langan SM, Howells LM,  Leighton P, C Williams HC, Thomas KS
BMJ 2022;379:e072007

Read the paperPlain English Video SummaryEditorial



Supporting families managing childhood eczema: developing and optimising eczema care online using qualitative research
Sivyer K, Teasdale E, Greenwell K, Steele M, Ghio D, Ridd MJ, Roberts A, Chalmers JR, Lawton S, Langan SM, Cowdell F, Le Roux E, Wilczynska S, Williams HC, Thomas KS, Yardley L, Santer M, Muller I. Br J Gen Pract. 2022 Feb 10:BJGP.2021.0503. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0503. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35577586

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Eczema Care Online: development and qualitative optimisation of an online behavioural intervention to support self-management in young people with eczema
Greenwell K, Ghio D, Sivyer K, Steele M, Teasdale E, Ridd MJ, Roberts A, Chalmers JR, Lawton S, Langan S, Cowdell F, Le Roux E, Wilczynska S, Jones H, Whittaker E, Williams HC, Thomas KS, Yardley L, Santer M, Muller I. BMJ Open. 2022 Apr 20;12(4):e056867. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056867.

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Strategies for using topical corticosteroids in children and adults with eczema     
Lax SJ, Harvey J, Axon E, Howells L, Santer M, Ridd MJ, Lawton S, Langan S, Roberts A, Ahmed A, Muller I, Ming LC, Panda S, Chernyshov P, Carter B, Williams HC, Thomas KS, Chalmers JR.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022 Mar 11;3(3):CD013356. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013356.pub2.

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Visual Summary

Plain English Summary



Safety of topical corticosteroids in atopic eczema: an umbrella review Axon E, Chalmers JR, Santer M, Ridd MJ, Lawton S, Langan SM, Grindlay DJ, Muller I, Roberts A, Ahmed A, Williams HC. BMJ open. 2021

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How has the COVID‐19 pandemic affected eczema self‐management and help seeking? A qualitative interview study with young people and parents/carers of children with eczema. Steele M, Howells L, Santer M, Sivyer K, Lawton S, Roberts A, Teasdale E, Muller I, Greenwell K.Skin Health and Disease. 2021 

Read the paper Plain English summary

Children’s Views and Experiences of Treatment Adherence and Parent/Child Co-Management in Eczema: A Qualitative Study. Teasdale E, Sivyer K, Muller I, Ghio D, Roberts A,  Lawton S, Santer M. Children (Basel) 2021.

Read the paperPlain English summary

Taking charge of eczema self-management: a qualitative interview study with young people with eczema. Greenwell K, Ghio D, Muller I, Roberts A, McNiven A, Lawton S, Santer M. Taking charge of eczema self-management: a qualitative interview study with young people with eczema. BMJ Open 2021

Read the paper What are young people’s experiences of managing eczema? (Blog post)


Psychosocial needs of adolescents and young adults with eczema: A secondary analysis of qualitative data to inform a behaviour change intervention. Ghio D, Greenwell K, Muller I, Roberts A, McNiven A, Santer M.Ghio D, Greenwell K, Muller I, Roberts A, McNiven A, Santer M. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2020

Read the paper Exploring beyond the skin (Blog post)


Combining qualitative research with PPI: reflections on using the person-based approach for developing behavioural interventions. Muller I, Santer M, Morrison L, Morton K, Roberts A, Rice C, Williams M, Yardley L.
Research Involvement and Engagement. 2019

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Views and experiences of managing eczema: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Teasdale E, Muller I, Sivyer K, Ghio D, Greenwell K, Wilczynska S, Roberts A, Ridd MJ, Francis N, Yardley L, Thomas KS, Santer M. Br J Dermatol. 2020

Read the paperNIHR signal – blog outlining the importance of this work


“It's like the bad guy in a movie who just doesn't die”: A qualitative exploration of young people's adaptation to eczema and implications for self‐care. Ghio D, Muller I, Greenwell K, Roberts A, McNiven A, Langan SM, Santer M. Br J Dermatol. 2019

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Supporting self-care for eczema: protocol for two randomised controlled trials of ECO (Eczema Care Online) interventions for young people and parents/carers Muller I, Stuart B, Sach T, Hooper J, Wilczynska S, Steele M, Greenwell K, Sivyer K, Yardley L, Williams HC, Chalmers JR, Leighton P, Howells LM, Ridd MJ, Lawton S, Griffiths G, Nuttall J, Langan SM, Roberts A, Ahmed A, Kirk H, Becque T, Little P, Thomas KS, Santer M. BMJ Open 2021 

Also see our Statistical Analysis Plan

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What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2018  (Clin Exp Dermatol.)

What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2017  (Clin Exp Dermatol.)

What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2016  (Clin Exp Dermatol.) 

Publications that have informed the development of the ECO programme grant

Nankervis H, Thomas KS, Delamere FM, Barbarot S, Rogers NK, Williams HC (2016).
Scoping systematic review of treatments for eczema

Programme Grants for Applied Research Volume: 4, Issue:7

Yardley, L, Morrison, L , Bradbury , K and Muller, I (2015).
The person-based approach to intervention development: application to digital health-related behaviour change interventions.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17, (1), e30.

Santer, M., Muller, I., Yardley, L., Burgess, H., Selinger, H., Stuart, B. L., & Little, P. (2014).
Supporting Self-Care for Families of Children With Eczema With a Web-Based Intervention Plus Health Care Professional Support: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(3), e70.

Santer, M., Burgess, H., Yardley, L., Ersser, S., Lewis-Jones, S., Muller, I., Hugh, C., Little, P. (2013)
Managing childhood eczema: qualitative study exploring carers’ experiences of barriers and facilitators to treatment adherence.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (11), 2493-2501.

Santer, M., Burgess, H., Yardley, L., Ersser, S., Lewis-Jones, S., Muller, I., Hugh, C., Little, P. (2012).
Experiences of carers managing childhood eczema and their views on its treatment: qualitative study.
British Journal of General Practice, 62 (597), 261-267. 


Eczema Care Online


This website presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (project number RP-PG-0216-20007). The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NIHR, the National Health Service or the Department of Health & Social Care.