School of Economics

Undergraduate Dissertation Conference 2019

Dissertation Conference

The inaugural Undergraduate Dissertation Conference took place on Thursday 10 October 2019 in the School of Economics. The event, attended by over 250 final year Economics students, saw six recent graduates return to speak about their experiences of writing an economics dissertation.

The afternoon opened with a keynote speech from Head of School, Professor Facundo Albornoz Crespo. Using examples from his own research, he discussed how to approach researching and writing an economics research paper.

Session one began with Harriet Lee, who spoke about her dissertation on The impact of the European Central Bank's Quantitative Easing programme on European countries. Next, Rushi Pandit talked about his experience of writing about The Macroeconomic Implications of Terrorism, followed by Deevya Patel who presented her dissertation on The Impact of Universal Credit on the Job Search Activity of Claimants.

After the break, Gregory Stewart talked about how he approached his dissertation on The Effect of the Depreciation of the Pound following the EU referendum on the U.K Trade Balance. Ahmed Alsafi then discussed his journey in researching and writing on The US China Trade War: The Impact of Donald Trump’s Tweets. Closing the session, Toyosi Ogunnaike talked us through her dissertation, which asked 'Does Economic Globalisation Increase the Incidence of Human Trafficking?'.

All six graduates gave exceptional presentations and were able to share plenty of useful advice to the students, whose shoes they were in just one year ago.

The School of Economics would like to thank those graduates who gave up their time to attend the event.

Posted on Monday 14th October 2019

School of Economics

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