ePioneers (2008) was a new approach to e-learning adoption, based on mentoring of 'quick gain' projects, with individual and School-wide outcomes. It offers a way to move e-learning beyond early adopters and into the mainstream.

Through 23 video conversations, and supported by 29 documents, 11 School of Education staff offered a balanced view of e-learning adoption …

"The ePioneers project showed how a School can widen the use of e-learning by supporting the development of individual ideas to solve a range of problems, both large and small."

Wyn Morgan
Director of Teaching and Learning

"We can use some of the terminology, so we're able to liaise and discuss… we're able to talk about it and say ‘We would like it to be able to do this.’"

Richard Pemberton
School of Education
Developing confidence and skills in e-learning.

ePioneers themes

The programme's flexibility arose from its emphasis on addressing the teaching and administrative issues raised by staff.


An approach based on mentoring principles helped staff gain confidence in identifying and adapting technologies to meet their needs.


The online community didn't produce the conversations that were hoped for: staff explored the reasons why in their critique.

Designing the ePioneers programme
in ePioneers programme

The role of the mentor in developing e-learning
in Mentoring

Building an online community: a critique
in Outcomes

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

ePioneers © Copyright The University of Nottingham
This page: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/epioneers/
Printed: 02:15 am, Sunday 16th February 2025