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María Josefa Ezcurra y Ezcurra.

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

She was born in Buenos Aires, on 26 November 1785, the sister of Encarnación Ezcurra de Rosas. She married her Spanish cousin, Juan Esteban de Ezcurra. He returned to Spain when the wars of independence began and died there. She accompanied Manuela Rosas to many fiestas and became involved in political intrigues after the death of her sister Encarnación in 1838. She died on 6 September 1856. (Sosa de Newton, 218)

She took advantage of the royalist ideology of her husband, as it gave her the freedom to travel North, following her lover, Manuel Belgrano. She was later a supporter of Rosas (her brother-in-law) and in the early 1840s accused Mariquita Sánchez of being the editor of El Grito, the Montevideo opposition newspaper. (Sáenz Quesada, 52, 192)

Life Events

Born 1785She was born in Buenos Aires, 26 November 1785.
Other 1810She travelled north with her lover, Manuel Belgrano, around 1810.
Other 1840She accused Mariquita Sánchez of involvement in the Montevideo opposition newspaper in the early 1840s.
Died 1856She died on 6 September 1856.


Sáenz Quesada, María, (1996), Mariquita Sánchez, Vida política y sentimental

Sosa de Newton, Lily, (1986), Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas

Verlichak, Carmen, (1999), María Josefa Ezcurra: El amor prohibido de Belgrano


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Resource id #31 (12)

Resource id #35 (2)

Resource id #39 (6)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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