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Henry George Ward

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Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

An English man who went to Havana in March 1824 and returned to England in summer 1824. He was chargé d’affairs in Mexico from 1825 to 1827. They went via Barbados to Cartagena “the hottest, dryest, and most dreary place I have ever seen.” (p.258, Vol. 2) then to the Island of Pines off Cuba, and arrived in Veracruz on 11 March 1825. His wife travelled with him and drew fantastic pictures of Mexican scenes that illustrate his books. He rarely mentions people he met. When he returned from Mexico, he was asked about Buenos Aires, the Pampas, Lima, Santiago and Bogotá. In response he wrote Mexico in 1827, a 2 volume book "because so little is known about American affairs”. In writing it he drew on the work of Humboldt and "the eloquent author”, Blanco White. (Ward)

Life Events

Other 1824He travelled to Havana.
Other 1825He was Chargé d'Affairs to Mexico from 1825-1827.
Other 1828He wrote Mexico in 1827.


Ward, H. G., (1828), Mexico in 1827


Book: Mexico in 1827

Book: Mexico in 1827


Resource id #25 (21)

Resource id #29 (13)

Resource id #33 (9)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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