School of Health Sciences

Why did you choose to study Non-Medical Prescribing at the University of Nottingham?

Nottingham was one of the first universities to accept paramedics after legislation changed a year or two ago so that was one of the biggest attractive features for paramedics. It is a well-renowned university and had great reviews online.

What were your overall impressions of the course?

The course is very well organised and very thorough. One of the main features was that it had a course manual that was co-authored by Dr Dianne Bowskill and that gave a good overview of the course itself, and lots of the questions and learning materials were contained in that book.

What were the most positive aspects of the course?

Dan, Dianne, and Alison were very enthusiastic, passionate tutors who offered great support. It was a tried and tested course with other students who recommended it.

Has the course proven useful in clinical practice?

Absolutely, particularly for paramedics. It is a game-changer, and it gives us parity with other professions, particularly in the workplace. It means we can work in all areas of the emergency department, including resuscitation, where timely access to medicines for patient care speeds things up. It allows delegation of the prescribing duties, thereby improving patient safety. You can prescribe for a patient and it is a second check mechanism to improve that safety.

Has it changed your approach to practice?

It has given me a broader understanding of independent and supplementary prescribing. It looked at the legalities of each of them which improved patient safety and the safety of the employer. Antibiotics stewardship was a huge topic which is something I am passionate about.

What impact has the qualification had on your job?

It has provided clearer lines of accountability, timely access to medicines for patients and it earns greater respect and parity amongst colleagues within the department, whether they are nurse prescribers or medical staff. It also increases your employability and career options.

What would you say to someone thinking studying the course?

Be prepared to work hard. It is one of the toughest and best courses I have ever done. It is definitely a game-changer. You come through the other side realising that it is such an achievement to get through such a quantity of work and level of knowledge. Definitely do it! It has a very good reputation at one the UK’s top-ranked universities.

How did you find the online resources attached to the course (screencasts, podcasts, quizzes)?

The screencasts and podcasts are brilliant. They allow you to learn at your own pace, particularly for people with shift work where it is not always convenient to study at a particular time. The quizzes gave you a good feel for the questions, so they were all useful.

How did you find distance-learning?

We had a good group of students. We set up WhatsApp groups and it was very easy for us to communicate with each other on any tough subjects or anything we were particularly struggling with. The tutors were brilliant at getting back to you, with any difficult questions or topics. You didn’t have to wait too long for a reply, or they would give you a call sometimes out of hours to make sure that your learning was progressing. 


Dylan Griffin

Advanced Paramedic and Advanced Clinical Practitioner at the Emergency Department, Royal Derby Hospital

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Nottingham, NG7 2HA

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