Browse by subject "Cultural competence"

Records found: 5

Cultural Competency in Baccalaureate Nursing Education

This document provides a framework to facilitate the attainment of cultural competence by baccalaureate nursing graduates. Cultural competence is defined for our purposes as the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for providing quality care to diverse populations (California Endowment, 2003). Content and learning strategies for these competencies, as well as a tool kit and resource material for educators are included.

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Type Document
Subject Cultural competence   Global health course design   
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Cultural Similarity, Cultural Competence, and Nurse Workforce Diversity


Proponents of health workforce diversity argue that increasing the number of minority health care providers will enhance cultural similarity between patients and providers as well as the health system’s capacity to provide culturally competent care. Measuring cultural similarity has been difficult, however, given that current benchmarks of workforce diversity categorize health workers by major racial/ethnic classifications rather than by cultural measures. This study examined the use of national racial/ethnic categories in both patient and registered nurse (RN) populations and found them to be a poor indicator of cultural similarity. Rather, we found that cultural similarity between RN and patient populations needs to be established at the level of local labor markets and broadened to include other cultural parameters such as country of origin, primary language, and self-identified ancestry. Only then can the relationship between cultural similarity and cultural competence be accurately determined and its outcomes measured.

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Author Sandra L. McGinnis, Barbara L. Brush and Jean Moore
Type Article
Subject Migration of health professionals   Cultural competence   
Tags cultural competence   workforce diversity   minority RNs   foreign-trained RNs   
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Global standards for the initial education of professional nurses and midwives

This document,produced by the WHO, outlines goals for global standards in nursing and midwifery, and reviews how the standards of initial nursing and midwifery education should be set to comply with these global standards.

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Type Document
Subject Cultural competence   Global citizenship   Global health course design   Global health teaching   Education   
Tags WHO   
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The Global Doctor

This booklet is written by staff and students involved in, or enrolled on the MBBS course run by UCL Medical School. The students have studied with the Institute for Global Health and have been enthused by what they have learnt. The report defines global health as it affects students and young doctors, and provides insights into the ways in which the next generation of doctors can participate in the myriad different aspects of global health.

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Type Document
Subject Global health issues   Education   Cultural competence   Global citizenship   
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The Higher Education Academy

We believe that policy and pedagogic practice that works for international students also works for the benefit of all students. We promote a curriculum which is informed by a broader global view, that is taught in a range of ways and enables students to study abroad to learn more about themselves, their disciplines and their future professions.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Education   Cultural competence   Global citizenship   Global health course design   Global health teaching   Supporting international students   
Tags Higher Education   Teaching   Funding   learning and teaching   supporting students   Open Educational Resources   OER   education   
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