Browse by subject "Social justice, human rights and health"

Records found: 23

Building of the global movement for health equity: from Santiago to Rio and beyond

Reports on developments subsequent to the publication of the Commission on social determinants of health, specifically emerging findings from WHO European Region.  Free registation necessary for access to this article. 

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Author Waage et al
Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Poverty and inequality   
Tags WHO   Inequality   social determinants of health   marmot   
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CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. 

We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global economy and health   New and emerging infectious diseases   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Clinton Foundation: Global Health

Working closely with governments and other partners, we aim to strengthen in-country health systems and improve global markets for medicines and diagnostics – ensuring lifesaving treatments and care can reach the people who need them the most. Our goal is to transform these systems and ensure they develop into self-sustaining methods of providing low-cost, high-quality care.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags hiv   malaria   aids   clinton foundation   foundation   
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Ethics and Care-Worker Migration

This article begins by identifying a range of factors that contribute to the movement of health care workers around the globe, specifically from low and middle-income countries to affluent ones.  From there it explores ethical issues that arise concerning the deepening of global health inequalities; the status and treatment of migrant health workers, the implications for their families and communities; and the structure of human health resource planning. There is further consideration of the range of agents who might be said to have responsibilities to address these concerns, and what could be said to ground them. Noted are key efforts made to date as well as ideas for further reform.

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Author Lisa Eckenwiler
Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Migration of health professionals   
Tags philosophy   
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FINDINGS: Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice

FINDINGS: Volume 26, Number 2 Spring/Summer 2011

Produced by the UM SPH Office of Communications

Featured on the cover: Africa’s endless war | Seeds of hope in Haiti | A Guatemalan mine raises questions | Refugee health

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Type Journal
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags University of Michigan   
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Global Health 101 (Second Edition): Videos

Welcome to the accompanying Website for Global Health 101, Second Edition. We are pleased to provide these online resources to support classroom education.

These Videos showcase external sites that provide additional information about topics covered in the textbook.

About this resource
Type Video
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Determinants of health   Gender and health   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Social justice, human rights and health   Technology   Education   
Tags resource   online learning   
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Global Health and International Community: Ethical, Political and Regulatory Challenges

Book summary:

Global health arguably represents the most pressing issues facing humanity. Trends in international migration and transnational commerce render state boundaries increasingly porous. Human activity in one part of the world can lead to health impacts elsewhere. Animals, viruses and bacteria as well as pandemics and environmental disasters do not recognize or respect political borders. It is now widely accepted that a global perspective on the understanding of threats to health and how to respond to them is required, but there are many practical problems in establishing such an approach. This book offers a foundational study of these urgent and challenging problems, combining critical analysis with practically focused policy contributions. The contributors span the fields of ethics, human rights, international relations, law, philosophy and global politics. They address normative questions relating to justice, equity and inequality and practical questions regarding multi-organizational cooperation, global governance and international relations. Moving from the theoretical to the practical, Global Health and International Community is an essential resource for scholars, students, activists and policy makers across the globe.

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Author John Coggon and Swati Gola
Type Book
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Regulation and governance   
Bloomsbury open access
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license
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Global Health University: Global Health E-Learning Resources

Global Health University disseminates knowledge to advance global health delivery and to promote excellence in global health education. All material published by Unite For Sight Global Health University is open access, meaning that you may freely read, download, distribute, and use the material, as long as all of the work is properly cited. Do you find Global Health University resources helpful to you? Become a Global Health University Member by giving a tax-deductible donation. Support Unite For Sight's movement to synthesize cutting-edge global health research and evidence-based information for free unrestricted access worldwide.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Determinants of health   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global health governance   New and emerging infectious diseases   Social justice, human rights and health   Technology   Education   
Tags online learning   eLearning   resource   
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Global justice and human rights: health and human rights in practice

ABSTRACT: The origin and justification of human rights, whether anchored in biological theory, natural law theory, or interests theory, as well as their cultural specificity and actual value as international legal instruments are subject to ongoing lively debates. As theoretical and rhetorical discourses challenge and enrich current understanding of the value of human rights and their relevance to democratic governance, they have found their way into public health in recent decades and play today an increasing role in the shaping of health policies, programs and practice. Human rights define the obligations of states to their people and towards each other, create grounds for governmental accountability and inspire recognition of, and action on, factors influencing people’s attainment of the highest possible standard of health. This article highlights the evolution that has brought health and human rights together in mutually reinforcing ways. It draws from the experience gained in the global response to HIV/AIDS, summarizes key dimensions of public health and of human rights and suggests a manner in which these dimensions intersect in a framework for analysis and action.

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Author Daniel Tarantola
Type Paper
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags health   human rights   discrimination   global justice   HIV/AIDS   
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Health inequalities continue to undermine social mobility

This is an evidence breifing was published by the economic and social research council.

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Type Document
Subject Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Health Poverty Action

Health Poverty Action works to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health.

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Type Website
Subject Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Human rights and the national interest: migrants, healthcare and social justice


The UK government has recently taken steps to exclude certain groups of migrants from free treatment under the National Health Service, most controversially from treatment for HIV. Whether this discrimination can have any coherent ethical basis is questioned in this paper. The exclusion of migrants of any status from any welfare system cannot be ethically justified because the distinction between citizens and migrants cannot be an ethical one.

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Author Phillip Cole
Type Article
Subject Population migration and health   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Medical Aid Films - Films for Life

MAF aims to save the lives of vulnerable women and children in developing countries by providing innovative training and education through film.


Our Training Films are organised into topics which are growing and evolving with demand and feedback. The films are aimed at various audiences which is clearly indicated and supporting documentation is available on each page to assist the trainer in delivering the educational content.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   Global health teaching   
Tags film   video   resources   education   educational videos   infant mortaltiy   Maternal mortality   preventable deaths   solution   training   digital media   Teaching   support patients   skills   teaching skills   self management   
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Millennium Development Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality

This video shows the importance of combating and reducing by two thirds the mortality rate for children under five years of age by 2015. With only five years left until the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on world leaders to attend a summit in New York in September 2010 to boost progress towards the realization of the MDGs.

About this resource
Type Video
Subject Child health   Global health issues   Millennium Development Goals   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags Child health   malnutrition   infant mortality   underweight babies   educating mothers   campaign   millennium development goals   Millennium Development Goal 4   Millennium Development Goal four   
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MPH programs list .com

MPH Programs launched as a free resource for students interested in graduate public health, public administration, public policy and health administration programs.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global health governance   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   
Tags video   online learning   resource   eLearning   
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Poverty, social inequality and mental health


The World Health Organization has described poverty as the greatest cause of suffering on earth. This article considers the direct and indirect effects of relative poverty on the development of emotional, behavioural and psychiatric problems, in the context of the growing inequality between rich and poor. The problems of children in particular are reviewed. Targets to reduce inequality have been set both nationally and internationally.

About this resource
Author Vijaya Murali & Femi Oyebode
Type Article
Subject Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Public Health and Social Justice

This website contains articles, slide shows, syllabi, and other documents relevant to topics in public health and social justice. References for most of the information contained in the slide shows can be found in the accompanying articles. Presentations are updated every 6-12 months (Note: dates in link addresses refer to dates of creation of original versions, not dates of most recent updates).

The site is aimed at students, educators, and the general public. It addresses the social, economic, environmental, human rights, and cultural contributors to health and illness. Some of the content focuses on the medical humanities and the history of medicine.

All slide shows are open-access. Feel free to use information from the articles and slide shows, indeed even the slides themselves, with appropriate citation.

Starred (*) slide shows and articles are what I consider my own most comprehensive postings in a given area. Material from other contributors is not starred, which does not imply that such material is less valuable and/or important, but I am not in a position to judge what others feel qualifies as their most valuable and/or important work. On many pages, submissions from other contributors are the most interesting, and I encourage you to explore as many selections as possible.

Submissions welcome. Please email me any articles and/or slide shows you would be willing to share, along with comments, corrections, and suggestions.

Vision for the Future: Public Health and Social Justice Training Program – see

For further information, contact Martin Donohoe

Website Organized by Martin Donohoe: Biography & Curriculum Vitae

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Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
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Royal Tropical Institute: Gender, rights and health (e-learning)

This is an online eductional course on gender, rights and health

Participants in this course will gain insight, knowledge and understanding of how health issues affect men and women differently, as well as how their rights can be respected and realised. The governance of health will be discussed and participants will write a research based health policy or a research proposal from a gender and rights perspective.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Gender and health   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags eLearning   online learning   
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The Center for Global Health & Development (CGHD)

The Center for Global Health & Development (CGHD) at Boston University is a multidisciplinary research center that engages faculty from across the University to help solve the critical global health and social development challenges of our time. The mission of the center is not only to conduct high-quality applied research, but also to advocate for the use of this research to improve the health of underserved populations around the world. Through our collaborative work with scientists worldwide, we also seek to strengthen individual and institutional capacity to conduct and utilize research.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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The International Migration and Recruitment of Nurses: Human Rights and Global Justice

This commentary focuses on the international recruitment of internationally educated nurses (IENs) from the perspective of human rights and social justice. 

About this resource
Author Lawrence O. Gostin, JD
Type Article
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Migration of health professionals   
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The Right to Health:(Human) Rights v Social Justice

Conculsions of presentation:

  • It is better to focus on Social justice as a moral standard for health outcomes accumulated effects
  • Social justice is no less important than rights
  • Some abuses engaging health goods are indeed (human) rights abuses
  • But not singled out in terms of outcomes alone


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Type Presentation
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
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The welfare state and global health: Latin America, the Arab world and the politics of social class



The tern "welfare state" has been used in the second half of the 20th century to refer broadly to a series of state-finances social services and transfers. In contemporary public health and social epidemiology, however, the term has a broader meaning and often includes social transfers, social and health services, consumer, environmental and workplace protection, labour market polices and reduction of social inequalities. Global health has been defines as "the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide". Because welfare states have been associated with different levels of populations health in wealthy countries, our attempt here is to point to their relevance to the contemporary broader global health context.

About this resource
Author Carles Muntaner, Joan Benach, Gemma Tarafa, Haejoo Chung
Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
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USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.

Our Mission: We partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global economy and health   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   
Tags US   United States   aid   USAID   initiatives   presidential initiatives   water   sanitation   data   reports   resources   
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