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Records found: 6

Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)

Since 1994, CHANGE has advocated for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls worldwide.

Our Mission:


The Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) is a U.S.-based non-governmental organization whose mission is to promote the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women and girls globally by shaping the development and implementation of U.S. policies. We envision a world where sexual and reproductive health and rights are universally recognized, and where comprehensive, integrated sexual and reproductive health services are accessible and available to all, free from coercion, violence, and discrimination.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Gender and health   Maternal health   
Tags hiv   aids   
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Clinton Foundation: Global Health

Working closely with governments and other partners, we aim to strengthen in-country health systems and improve global markets for medicines and diagnostics – ensuring lifesaving treatments and care can reach the people who need them the most. Our goal is to transform these systems and ensure they develop into self-sustaining methods of providing low-cost, high-quality care.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags hiv   malaria   aids   clinton foundation   foundation   
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Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health: A global toolkit for action

Chapters included in this book (contents):

  1. Introduction
  2. Sexual and Reproductive Health
  3. Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
  4. Fatherhood
  5. HIV and AIDS
  6. Gender-based Violence
  7. Advocacy and Policy
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation of this work
  9. TOOLS (from all the above chapters)

About this resource
Author Promundo, UNFPA, MenEngage
Type Book
Subject Child health   Gender and health   Maternal health   
Tags aids   hiv   
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Go Eco

Medical volunteering is an incredible opportunity to give back to communities abroad while gaining valuable experiences for your future career. If you are in the process of becoming a medical professional, or are already trained, we will be happy to welcome you to the following projects in Vietnam, Kenya, Israel, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and India which rely on the help of international volunteers to function at full capacity. Activities may include HIV/AIDS awareness, hospital rounds, or rural clinic treatment centers.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Vietnam   Kenya   Israel   south africa   Zimbabwe   zambia   india   medical   elective placement   hiv   aids   Rural   Hospital   volunteer   
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Lessons from developing nations on improving healthcare

Demonstrates, using examples from Russia and Peru, that health improvement need not involve increased use of resources.  If not accessed via the link provided, subscription is usually needed for access to BMJ articles.

About this resource
Author Berwick DM
Type Article
Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
Tags hypertension   russia   resource poor settings   hiv   aids   
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World Clock

Online calculator providing global statistics on population, mortality & morbidity, food consumption, energy consumption and environmental impact statistics. Site also includes a life clock demonstrating behaviours and other factors that affect longevity. This is an excellent test that entry level students can use to assess their own lives and assuming the identity of others.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Epidemiology and burden of disease   Global health issues   Population growth   
Tags demography   longevity   aids   oncology   tb   hepatitis   malaria   diabetes   chd   asthma   rta   stroke   
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