School of Health Sciences

Jacqui Williams named as Senior Fellow through the Nottingham Recognition Scheme


Jacqui Williams, Associate Professor in Midwifery/Lead Midwife for Education, has been appointed Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA), through the Nottingham Recognition Scheme (NRS).

The Nottingham Recognition Scheme allows participants to claim recognition for their contributions to the University’s educational objectives, based on evidence of engagement with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) in their teaching and their continuing professional development activity. The scheme is accredited by the HEA and the level of fellowship depends on the applicant’s expertise, scholarship and scope of impact. 

Jacqui made it a key objective to become a Senior Fellow in her PDPR for this academic year, following a session on Fellowships at a HEA conference. With regard to her submission, Jacqui developed a reflective account of her professional practice and two case studies, using the UK Professional Standards framework (UKPSF). She was then allocated a mentor, already a Senior Fellow, who provided feedback in relation to how the submission could be developed further. Two referees were also needed to write a reference on Jacqui’s submission. 

As Jacqui says; "I now need to articulate my continuing professional development (CPD) plans into my PDPR to ensure that my development remains central to my teaching practice. The HEA expects Fellows to remain in good standing, by which they mean that I should be able to demonstrate compliance and engagement with the Senior Fellow descriptor at any given time.

A sample of Fellows are chosen each year by the HEA to provide evidence of compliance with the Senior Fellow descriptor through clear PDPR records. I will be participating in the new Senior and Principal fellow HEA network activities and contribute to the Nottingham Recognition Scheme going forward."

Congratulations Jacqui!

Posted on Monday 15th August 2016

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

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