School of Health Sciences

Nursing student voted Student of the Year in the Nurse and Midwife of the Year Awards 2016


We’re proud to share that School of Health Sciences student Emily Rowe was voted ‘Student of the Year’ in the Nurse and Midwife of the Year Awards 2016.

Emily is in the fourth year of a Masters in Nursing Science (Adult branch), and is due to graduate in 2016.

The prestigious Nurse and Midwife of the Year Awards are held in partnership with Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, the Nottingham Post and Nottingham Express Transit, and attracted more than 1,800 votes this year!

The school also had two other students nominated for an award, namely:

  • Nick Lowe, Masters in Nursing Science (Adult branch), year 3
  • Jade Mitchelmore, Masters in Nursing Science (Child branch), year 3

The award ceremony was held at Nottingham Council House, where each winner was presented with a unique Nottingham Post front page featuring their achievements.

Emily told the Nottingham Post, "I feel very lucky; I can't quite understand or believe it. As a nurse you meet so many different people, between colleagues and patients, and they really inspire you to be who you want to be."

Congratulations go to both our nominated students and also to Emily, for her fantastic achievement!

Posted on Thursday 2nd June 2016

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559