School of Health Sciences

Image of Dominic O'Connor

Dominic O'Connor

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



I joined the University of Nottingham in 2021 as an Assistant Professor within the Division of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, School of Health Sciences. Prior to this I was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Queens University Belfast (2020-2021) where my worked focused on evaluating exercise interventions in pancreatic cancer. I completed my Ph.D (clinical exercise physiology) at University College Dublin (2017-2019) as a Marie Sklodowska Curie fellow, supported by a European Union Horizon 2020 grant. Outside of my role at the University,I am an Associate Editor at BMC Cancer.

Expertise Summary

My main areas of expertise are Clinical exercise physiology, cancer rehabilitation, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). I am an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certified exercise physiologist and cancer and exercise rehabilitation specialist (CanRehab).

Teaching Summary

Module convenor for the following modules on the BSc Sport Rehabilitation programme

Human and Exercise Physiology

Exercise Science of Sport Rehabilitation

Introduction to Research Skills in Sport Rehabilitation

Research Summary

My current research interests include designing and evaluating prehabilitation and rehabilitation interventions for individuals with chronic disease, with a particular focus on cancer.

Past Research

My Ph.D focused on the design and evaluation of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in cancer rehabilitation.

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559