Professor of e-Learning and Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Professor Heather Wharrad is Chair in e-Learning and Health Informatics at University of Nottingham. She is academic lead for the HELM - Health E-learning and Media group and the research group in Education and Technology for Health in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy and has been principal investigator on many externally funded national and international projects on elearning pedagogy, evaluation and research in health.
She wrote the successful bid for the University of Nottingham partner of the HEFCE £3.3 million funded Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) for Reusable Learning Objects. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and PhD supervisor. She has published widely in the fields of nursing research, health informatics and elearning and is a regular presenter and workshop facilitator at national and international elearning conferences. She is the academic lead for the award winning Health e-Learning and Media (HELM) team and the Digital Innovations in Healthcare Education (DICE) group.
Digital health pedagogy
Participatory design of digital education resources
Digital Innovations in Healthcare and Education Research lead Academic Lead for Health e-learning and Media team (HELM) Interested in elearning pedagogy and design Lecture in Biological… read more
Pedagogical designs in the development of elearning solutions Communities of practice in elearning Cross sector development of reusable learning objects for life long learning in… read more
B236, Medical SchoolQueen's Medical Centre Nottingham, NG7 2HA
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