Research Summary
Current PhD candidate.
Title of research: Care coordination for emerging adults within community mental health teams in the UK: A realistic evaluation with integrated interpretive phenomenological analysis
Supervisory team:
Dr. Tim Carter, Dr. Nicola Wright and Professor Aimee Aubeeluck
Pearson, M. Long, L., Baker, C., Doran,D and Pringle, A. 2024. "It's really important work…and celebrating that, I think, is really important" - co-produced qualitative research into the future of mental health nurse education. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. In production.
Long, L., McGarry, J., Carter, T., Roberts, S. and Aubeeluck, A., 2023. The experiences, views and beliefs of emerging adults and their carers of receiving adult mental health services in the UK: a systematic review and meta-ethnography. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(4), pp.1-15.
Bond, C., Stacey, G., Westwood, G. and Long, L. 2023, "Evaluation of the impact of leadership development on nurses and midwives underpinned by transformational learning theory: a corpus-informed analysis", Leadership in Health Services, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Stacey, G., Cook, G., Aubeeluck, A., Stranks, B., Long, L., Krepa, M. and Lucre, K. 2020. The implementation of resilience based clinical supervision to support transition to practice in newly qualified healthcare professionals. Nurse Education Today, 94, p.104564.