School of Health Sciences

Image of Sonya Stone

Sonya Stone

Associate Professor of Advanced Clinical Practice. Director of Postgraduate Taught Education and CPD (School of Health Sciences). Faculty Director of Higher Degree Apprenticeships for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Sonya is Director of Postgraduate Taught Education and CPD, and Faculty Director of Higher Degree Apprenticeships for the faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Sonya is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in cardiac intensive care and holds membership with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. Sonya's clinical lead roles have included ACP lead for organ donation in the Wessex region, and paediatric critical care lead in a non-paediatric centre.

Sonya represents the University of Nottingham at the Association of Advanced Practice Educators UK, the Council of Deans Advanced Practice working group, and the Health Education England regional Higher Education Institute group. Sonya has built strong links with Advanced Clinical Practitioner stakeholders and sits on regional and national committees driving the national ACP agenda.

Sonya is clinical lead for eICM at FICM, and co-founder of the Advanced Clinical Practice Academic Network (ACPAN).

Sonya has a range of Advanced Practice publications including journal articles, book chapters, and recently co-edited the first Advanced Clinical Practice core text with Wiley and Sons publishers, which is due for release in 2023.

Expertise Summary

Critical care medicine with specialist interests in obstetric and maternal critical illness, stabilisation of the critically ill paediatric patient in non-paediatric centres, post cardiac arrest management in the ICU.

Additional interests in advanced clinical practice, advanced practice role development, advanced practice education, and consultant level practice

Teaching Summary

Advanced Clinical Practice

Decision making theory in advanced clinical practice

Critical/Intensive Care Medicine

Advanced history taking and clinical assessment

Anatomy and Physiology

Pathophysiology of critical illness

Maternal and Obstetric critical care

Stabilisation of the critically unwell paediatric patient

Post cardiac arrest management in critical care

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559