School of Health Sciences

Roles and Responsibilities for Practice Learning Teams

There are certain roles and responsibilities required by members of Practice Learning Teams (PLTs). These are summarised below.  

Common roles and responsibilities for all PLT members

  1. Representatives or their deputies are to attend PLT meetings on a regular basis, at least 50% of the time
  2. Provide support to mentors with regards to Practice Learning 
  3. Be proactive with regard to developing the placement learning environment 
  4. Utilise the PLT as a discussion and sharing best practice forum 

Chair of the PLT responsibilities

  1. Manage and coordinate PLT meetings on a minimum of a three monthly basis 
  2. Ensure the notes/newsletters from meetings are circulated to all PLT representatives and managers of placements/head nurses 
  3. Provide an Annual Report to the lead of the PLTs at their centre/branch/organisational education lead 
  4. Ensure that placement database information is current 

PLT teacher representatives responsibilities

  1. Provide evaluation summaries to the PLT practitioner representative 
  2. Provide direct support for PLT practitioner representatives, mentors, befrienders and students 
  3. Be responsive to practice learning issues identified by mentors and/or students 

PLT practitioner representatives responsibilities

  1. Ensure all mentors and line managers within their placement receive information about PLT activities and responsibilities 
  2. Disseminate and discuss student evaluation summaries to all mentors/befrienders/placement managers and lead the implementation of action plans to address issues, as appropriate within their placement 

IPLU members responsibilities

  1. Promote the interprofessional learning agenda 
  2. Facilitate the dissemination of information to other relevant groups to include HEIs and other professional forums


School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559