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4. What concerns you about handover?

The development of 21st century patient care has resulted in patient needs becoming increasingly complex. Such complexity may mean that there is a large amount of complex information that needs to be handed over to another nurse. Nursing students have reported that this large amount of information can prove very difficult to remember at the end of a busy shift when they are required to deliver handover.

Many nursing students have found that delivering patient handover is often a source of anxiety, which may be for a variety of reasons.

As a student nurse, you may be asked by a registered nurse if you would like to deliver patient handover for a patient whom you may have cared for during your shift. Students often report they feel unprepared for this task as sometimes the fast-paced, demanding nature of the clinical environment means that your supervisor may not have explained how to conduct such a task.

Take a look at the video of a nursing student reflecting on her initial experiences of delivering handover and discussing how she felt. After watching the video, you may find that you can relate to how she was feeling.

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