BBSRC's Knowledge Exchange and Commericalisation vision and technology exploitation

Tuesday 21st July 2015 (10:00-13:00)

To register, email by Wednesday 15 July. If you have any questions or for more information, please contact:

Dr Caroline Sykes, ext 30042 or email

Dr Gill Shuttleworth, ext 32189 or email


The BBSRC Knowledge Exchange and Commericalisation vision and technology exploitation event is hosted by the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and Business Engagement and Innovation Services.

Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided.


10-10.10am – Introduction to seminar, Dr Caroline Sykes (Licensing Executive, TTO)

10.10-10.40am – BBSRC KEC policy and funding mechanisms, Dr Charis Cook (Innovation Manager, BBSRC)

10.40-11.10am – IP and patents, Dr Jenny Atkinson (Barker Brettell)

11.10-11.40am – An entrepreneurial academic, Prof Malcolm Stevens (School of Pharmacy)

11.40am-12pm – Commercialisation of Life Sciences IP, Dr Craig Richardson (IP Group)

12-1pm – Lunch and networking with speakers

1pm – Close of meeting