Ingenuity KnowledgeXchange - Stealing from the Bottom Line

Tuesday 3rd June 2014 (07:45-09:30)

Venue: Room B03, The Sir Colin Campbell Building, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG7 2TU.

For further details, contact Steve Upcraft.

Registration URL

Back by popular demand, Professor Bob Berry gives more insights into the world of accountancy. This time the topic for his talk is Stealing from the Bottom Line.

The Collins English Dictionary offers a couple of interpretations of the phrase “the bottom line”. One is: “The most important or fundamental aspect of a situation.” Another is: “The line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss.” If we take the first definition as current common usage then the second is problematic since cash flow, not profit, is the real bottom line. This Ingenuity breakfast seminar will examine the difference between profit and cash flow, look at the difficulties inherent in the process of cash flow forecasting, and highlight the importance of understanding the pattern in future cash flow when looking for new, external finance.

The programme:

7.45am – 8.10am Registration, breakfast and networking
8.10am – 8.15am Welcome and introductions
8.15am – 9.00am Prof Bob Berry from the Business School will taking a different look at your bottom line
9.00am – 9.10am Questions and answers
9.10am – 9.30am Business and University enquiries - Shop Window
9.30am Networking for those that want to stay on

The Shop Window – your chance to take the floor

Every Ingenuity Knowledge Exchange breakfast offers both business owners and people from within the University the chance to make a brief presentation to the room about something they are looking for help with.

From the University? If you have a business-facing project or want to work with local small and medium-sized businesses as part of your research, this is your opportunity to make contact with business owners who are already interested in what happens at the University and who may be interested in participating with your initiative.

From business? Sorry, but this isn’t time for a standard 60 second pitch – feedback tells us that our businesses want something different from Ingenuity. But it is your opportunity to do some research of your own, ask for volunteers for new product or service trials, to ask if anyone has any recommendations for difficult-to-find suppliers, or simply share some news that the audience might not find out about otherwise.

Email Steve Upcraft if you would like to participate in a future Ingenuity Knowledge Exchange Shop Window.

Book your place at this breakfast seminar.