New China New Art

Wednesday 24th June 2015 (18:30-20:30)
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Join Lynne Howarth-Gladston, artist, writer and freelance curator and Paul Gladston, Professor of Contemporary Visual Cultures and Critical Theory for this curatorial talk.

Since the mid-1980s, neighbouring metropolises Shanghai and Hangzhou have become a major focus for the development of video art in mainland China. Video by the latest generation of artists to emerge from those cities is often characterised by close attention to contemporary urban life combined with critically resistant assertions of identity, set against the shifting backdrop of an increasingly globalised world. Lynne Howarth-Gladston and Paul Gladston will discuss their forthcoming exhibition New China/New Art: Contemporary Video from Shanghai and Hangzhou, which will provide rare insights into a 'cool' urban cultural scene still largely unknown outside China.

Last in the Summer Seminar Series exploring new perspectives on China through the lens of culture and history.

Admission free, register online