Are you interested in Professional Registration with the Science Council? If so, please come along to a free Institute of Science and Technology (IST) workshop to find out more.
The Registered Science Technician(RSciTech) and Registered Scientist (RSci) registers were launched by the UK Science Council in 2012 to create a framework of professional registration across the science workforce and recognise high standards of professionalism at all levels. With growing interest in the scheme from the UK Research Councilsand HEFCE, registration as a professional technician/scientist is particularlyrelevant to technical staff working in higher education.
University technical staff can learn more about the professional registers at this free event where Terry Croft MBE (Director of Technical Development and Modernisation - University of Sheffield) will explain the background, process and benefits of professional registration for university technicians. There will be an opportunity after the presentation to talk with technical staff who have undergone the registration process, to gain advice on individual applications and to find out more about how the University can support you in this.
The event is free but places are limited – please reserve a place by e-mailing TFG@nottingham.ac.uk