What is the future of UK psychiatry?

Thursday 16th April 2015 (09:00-16:30)

For further information about the conference, contact Dr Hugh Middleton by email or at 0115 846 7612.


'What is the future of UK psychiatry?' is a one-day conference, the third to be held at the University by the Critical Psychiatry Network.

Following successful conferences in 2013 and 2014, and continuing concerns about the nature, provenance and consequences of contemporary psychiatric practice, the Critical Psychiatry Network has organised a further opportunity for psychiatrists to consider how their practices might develop. There will also be ample opportunity to meet like-minded colleagues. The conference will be preceded by a dinner on the evening of Wednesday 15 April.  

9am Refreshments and Registration (Atrium) 

9.20–9.30am Welcome and practicalities – Hugh Middleton

9.30–10.15am Perspectives on the Future of Psychiatry – Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool and author of A Prescription for Psychiatry: Why We Need a Whole New Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing  

10.15–11am Nick Manning, Professor Emeritus, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham

11–11.30am Break

11.30–12.15pm Sir Simon Wessley, Professor of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

12.15–1pm Panel discussion: speakers & members of the UK Critical Psychiatry Network 

1–2pm Lunch

2.30–3.30pm An Introduction to Open Dialogue & its National UK Multicentre Trial – Russell Razzaque, Val Jackson and Mark Hopfenbeck

3.30–4pm Break

4–4.30pm Plenary discussion

For further information about the conference, contact Dr. Hugh Middleton by email or at 0115 846 7612.