Presented by Sarah Seleznyov, London Centre for Leadership in Learning, Institute of Education
Cognitive acceleration early research proved the possibility of significantly raising adolescents’ general cognitive abilities through special classroom activities in secondary science. These were based on Piagetian schemata, and the Vygotskyan notion of ZPD. This was extended to secondary mathematics, using other sources, then to work in the primary years in both subjects from KS1, and in recent years to English. The classroom-based work remains a vital component of the current work for the Let’s Think Forum (LTF), an umbrella organisation that oversees CA. The approach has widened its remit in organisational and theoretical terms, and regards joint work of researchers, tutors and teachers in PD courses the key to any sustainable development in education.
This session explores the Let’s Think Forum’s recent thinking about the approach, its professional development model and emerging work around pathways to expertise in the approach.
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