Economic inequality and our grandchildren's future

Tuesday 13th October 2015 (18:00-19:30)
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Economic inequality and our grandchildren's future

The School of Sociology and Social Policy look forward to welcoming Danny Dorling for the lecture, 'Economic inequality and our grandchildren's future'.

This event is now sold out. There will be live streaming available through this link. Live streaming will start at 5.50pm on Tuesday 13 October. Read the blurb below.

"There is no way that everyone can be rich.  Only 1% of people can be in the best-off 1%. Today being rich often involves having many other people work for you. They have much less choice than you might have, if you are rich, but we sometimes over-estimate the freedom of those who have most wealth. In this talk I’ll show some images of growing inequality in the world, the UK and in particular in London. I’ll also talk about recent evidence on the spread of anxiety and wider worrying."

"I think the two trends might be linked and there are geographical clues as to why that could be the case. A more equitable world might be also be a world with less precarity and anxiety. Is that possible, desirable, and if so how do we travel that way?"

Danny Dorling is Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. He has developed a high profile as one who has used those particular insights to comment upon issues of inequality and social justice, particularly within the UK. Recently he has focused upon housing in his most recent book, All That is Solid.

For more information or to be added to the waiting list, visit our booking link.