'Black Man Struggle' – Jamaican Pop from Mento to Dancehall

Nottingham Contemporary Cafe
Thursday 28th April 2016 (18:30-20:30)

American music 800x600

The American Music Listening Group is a small, informal group of academics, students and other interested parties associated with The University of Nottingham’s Department of American and Canadian Studies and the Centre for Research in Race and Rights. The group meets regularly to play and discuss music of any and every type that has a connection to American culture. No one among us is a trained musicologist or competent musician! We just enjoy listening to and sharing our impressions and ideas about music. Please come and join us.

Patrick Henderson, doctoral student and C3R associate, surveys Jamaican pop music from the 1950s to the present day, playing and discussing examples of mento, ska, reggae and dancehall and considering their cultural significance.

No registration necessary, all welcome to show up.