Can high-speed rail transform a region's economy? HS2 in the East Midlands

A09, Engineering and Science Learning Centre, University Park
Monday 9th May 2016 (17:30-19:00)
Registration URL

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Professor Roger Vickerman, University of Kent, will deliver the talk ‘Can high-speed rail transform a region’s economy? HS2 in the East Midlands’. Presented by the Aerospace and Transport Technologies Research Priority Area.

Roger Vickerman’s research focuses on the relationship between transport (especially infrastructure), regional development and integration in the European Union. He is particularly known for his studies on major infrastructure projects, particularly the EU’s Trans-European Networks. He has also recently worked on issues relating to Public Private Partnerships in transport. He has served as a member of SACTRA (Standing Committee on Trunk Road Assessment), as an advisor to Committees of both the House of Commons and House of Lords in the UK Parliament and acted as a consultant to the European Commission, various government departments and regional and local government authorities in the UK and overseas. He is currently a member of the Analytical Challenge Panel to HS2 Ltd.

Free, open to all. Please book online.