Centre for Power Electronics Postgraduate Summer School 2016

Jubilee Campus, National College, Nottingham
Wednesday 1st (09:30) - Thursday 2nd June 2016 (16:00)

The EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics present a free two-day event bringing together PhD students working in power electronics.

The goal is the establishment of a strong postgraduate community what will help in the development of a career in the field of power electronics. Attendees have the chance to present their research to peers and industry, exchange ideas, expand their network and establish solid relations for the future. Talks from accomplished individuals from academia and industry (Dr Will Drury – Ricardo & Hans-Peter Feustel – Continental Corporation) are included in the event to provide guidance on the course of power electronics in these two sectors. The PG Summer School is a great opportunity that should not be missed!

View a preliminary agenda.

GaN Systems Geoff Haynes Future Power Challenge

GaN transistors make better candidates than Si transistors in high frequency high power applications, due to their improved switching speeds, low gate driving power requirements and low conduction losses. The GaN Systems Geoff Haynes Future Power Challenge encourages the attendees of the PG Summer School 2016 to include GaN Systems transistors in their research and present their results at the School. Projects are eligible for the challenge if they clearly identify performances in applications that would not be achieved without GaN transistors. A panel of academic and industrial experts will judge the challenge entries and a prize will be awarded at the Annual Conference for the EPSRC Centre of Power Electronics. To register your interest for this, please contact michelle.fusco@nottingham.ac.uk as soon as possible.

Please register for the event online. Registration closes on Saturday 30 April.