Antimicrobial Resistance Conference

A14, Pope Building, University Park Campus
Thursday 7th (09:00) - Friday 8th September 2017 (17:00)
Registration URL


Join us for the final event of the antimicrobial resistance programme Bridging the Gaps.

This two day event starts with registration from 9am on Thursday 7 September, includes a networking reception event on the Thursday evening, and concludes  on Friday 8 September before 5pm. 

There will be presentations and panel discussions from:

- Dr Paul Cook (Head of Microbiological Risk Assessment, Food Standards Agency)
- Dr Timo Smieszek (Senior Health Economist / Senior Mathematical Modeller, Public Health England)
- Lillian Greenwood MP
- Michael Seals MBE (Chair, The Animal Health and Welfare Board for England [AHWBE])
- Dr Matthew Jenner (Post-doctoral Research Fellow working in TB developments, University of Warwick)
- Dr Timothy Sloan (Clinical Microbiologist, Nottingham University Hospitals)
- Professor Richard James (Emeritus Professor of Microbiology, The University of Nottingham)
- Aimee Murray (University of Exeter, representing Dr Will Gaze’s team)

Plus presentations from Bridging the Gaps funded cross-disciplinary teams and posters covering topics including:
- Point of care diagnostics and antibiotic reduction in humans and other animals
- Biofilm formation and prevention
- Novel antibiotics
- Bacteriophage
- Transmission and reduction of AMR in the environment

University of Nottingham staff are required to register for this free event at Interested colleagues from other institutions are most welcome so if you have a visitor with you please do bring them along. 

External attendees are required to register for this free event at