Fate, luck and fortune: historical narratives of environmental risk

The Hemsley, University Park
Friday 31st March 2017 (10:00-17:30)

For more information and to book, email esther.eidinow@nottingham.ac.uk or georgina.endfield@liverpool.ac.uk


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The Department of Classics (University of Nottingham) and the Department of History (University of Liverpool) present ‘Fate, luck and fortune: narratives of environmental risk’. How do we talk about the risks of our environment? Who do we blame when things go wrong?

Part of a series of three workshops, which will explore different kinds of narratives and how they portray fate, luck, fortune and agency. Political and popular narratives will be discussed on Friday 7 July and Friday 8 September respectively.

Image: Flooding of River Anker, Nuneaton, Warwickshire: 27 May 1932. Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham, RE/DOP/H42/22/2