Fate, luck and fortune: popular narratives of environmental risk

Friday 8th September 2017 (10:00-17:30)

For more information and to book, email esther.eidinow@nottingham.ac.uk or georgina.endfield@liverpool.ac.uk


VENUE CHANGE: The event will now be held at:  Seminar Room 9, University of Liverpool in London, 33 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AG

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The Department of Classics (University of Nottingham) and the Department of History (University of Liverpool) present ‘Fate, luck and fortune: narratives of environmental risk’. How do we talk about the risks of our environment? Who do we blame when things go wrong?

Last in a series of three workshops, which explore different kinds of narratives and how they portray fate, luck, fortune and agency. Historical and political narratives were discussed on Friday 31 March and Friday 7 July respectively.

Image: Flooding of River Anker, Nuneaton, Warwickshire: 27 May 1932. Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham, RE/DOP/H42/22/2