Forced Migration, Political Power and the Book of Jeremiah: Thinking Theologically with the Bible

A22, Humanities Building, University Park Campus
Saturday 13th May 2017 (09:00-17:00)
Registration URL

CBET landscape 1

The Centre for Bible, Ethics and Theology (CBET) will host a one-day interdisciplinary workshop on the Book of Jeremiah.

The book’s complex attempts to wrestle with the realities of imperial power, the devastation of war, and the challenges of multiple forms of involuntary migration render it a powerful resource for constructive reflection on current events.

This workshop is designed to facilitate a constructive theological dialogue about forced migration and the intersections of political power, drawing on the book of Jeremiah as a foundational text.

The format reflects CBET’s particular commitment to collaborative work between theologians and biblical scholars, featuring sustained reflections and ample time for discussion.

Speakers include two Hebrew Bible scholars, a New Testament scholar, and two systematic theologians, whose recent work has focused on forced migration in the ancient and contemporary world.

Please visit the online store to book your place at the workshop.