Rainbow refugees: LGBT rights in refugee and asylum law

B2, The Hemsley, University Park
Tuesday 28th February 2017 (16:30-18:30)
Registration URL

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Join the Centre for Research in Race and Rights and the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) for a discussion on LGBT immigration.

Paul J Dillane, the Executive Direction of the UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group, will be in conversation with Ibtisam Ahmed as part of the regular CSSGJ seminar series. Over the course of the afternoon, they will discuss former and current immigration policy towards LGBT communities, and plans for the future in a post-Brexit and post-Trump climate.

Free, all welcome. Please book online.

This event is part of LGBT History Month at The University of Nottingham. View a full gallery of LGBT History Month events.

For LGBT History Month news and more, visit the People and Culture blog throughout February. You can also follow them on Twitter @UoNPandC.