Recommit to your health

David Ross Sports Village, NG7 2RD, University Park
Thursday 11th January 2018 (15:15-20:00)
Registration URL

EVE-241855-4x3-Recommit-NJT-DEC17 600x436

Presented as part of the University's Wellbeing Programme, in association with People and Culture and University of Nottingham Sport.

Drop into David Ross Sports village between 5:15pm and 8:00pm on Thursday 11 January to:

  • Try a fitness or gym class
  • Attend a nutrition talk while enjoying a healthy snack
  • Discuss UoN Sport and Fitness Membership options
  • Try a running session and join our Couch to 5k course
  • Complete your evening with a free massage

This is a free session for all staff, of all fitness levels.

Pre-register to jump the line on the Department of Sport webpage.