Research Staff Development Conference 2017

Jubilee Campus, National College for Teaching and Leadership
Thursday 16th March 2017 (09:30-16:00)
Registration URL

research conf

The annual Research Staff Development Conference at Jubilee Campus aims to bring together researchers from across the institution to explore the strategies for enhancing researcher's careers.

The programme includes presentations from senior university staff, workshops and a keynote session on Unconscious Bias delivered by Dr Peter Jones, Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist.

This event is free however, booking is essential and delegates must choose workshops at the time of booking.

This conference is open to all research-only staff employed by the University (staff in job families R&T 4a-R, R&T 4-R, R&T4 T-R, R&T 5-R and R&T 6-R based at the UK campus).