Why is prevention key in ending modern slavery?
Despite the 2014 Modern Slavery Strategy highlighting prevention as vital to the fight against slavery in the UK, and aimed to “protect vulnerable people by raising awareness and stopping them from becoming victims”, little is still being done in the way of prevention.
The Stay Safe from Slavery conference will be unique in its sole focus of new preventative methods. The conference aims to challenge the status quo and look at innovative ways of approaching the prevention of slavery.
We will be doing this by bringing together experts in the anti-slavery, homeless, refugee and child care sectors, frontline workers and academics.
The Stay Safe from Slavery conference will ask - how can we protect the vulnerable? How can we stop those who are homeless, refugees, migrants or children in care from falling victim to exploitation? What are the new approaches in this field?
The conference is in partnership with Unchosen, The University of Nottingham's Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice, and the AHRC-funded Antislavery Usable Past project (University of Nottingham), in conjunction with the University's work to help make Nottingham a slavery-free city.
For more information and to book tickets, please visit the Unchosen website.