A Perfect Mess: The unintended (and successful) innovations in Swiss vocational education and training (VET) and adult education

C49, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus
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This seminar is hosted by the Centre for International Education and UNEVOC as part of the U21@21 celebrations.

The Swiss Vocational Education System (VET) developed independently from the general academic education system. In the 19th century, economic policy and social reforms led actors like the Swiss Trade Association, entrepreneurs and Swiss unions to develop schools which supported the qualification and further education of workers. The foundation of a formalised qualification model, including work-based-learning and schools (ie a dual model of apprenticeship), emerged in the 20th century and became the major provider for education for youth, with academic education remaining a minor institution for the elite.

Today VET and the academic track of education are much closer and included in one system of education. In an “educational space” the different parts of the vocational, academic and adult educational institutions are linked together and often include hybrid programs which enable students to study on a tertiary level. From a fragmented educational approach, a quite coherent system of education resulted.

This seminar is presented by Professor Philipp Gonon, Professor of Vocational Education and Training and Director of the Institute of Education, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Professor Gonon is widely published in the field of international comparative approaches to VET and continuing education and the philosophy and history of vocational education. He is an editor of the leading German adult education journal and is president of the Network for Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP).

Please register your attendance through the EventBrite website.