Design thinking to transform your business

Sir Colin Campbell Building, Triumph Road
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Colin campbell

Inventive Brits like James Dyson, Kenneth Grange and Jonathan Ive know that ‘design’ is what links creativity and innovation. Design Thinking is a creative problem solving approach that puts people at the centre – based on the principle that any good design must meet the needs of its user. But you don’t have to be a creative business to apply design thinking – any small business, whether product or service driven, could be transformed by this approach.

At this Ingenuity breakfast event, Dr George Rice will explain how design thinking techniques are used in the commercialisation of University research – including how this has also led to the creation of a unique Technology Demonstrator facility at the University. The Technology Demonstrator showcases a wide range of technologies that the University has developed and is developing for audiences that include potential investors, commercial partners, internal staff training and the general public.

George will explore how design thinking can be applied in your business and invite you to experience design thinking in practice on an optional tour of the Technology Demonstrator after the main event.

This event takes place 7.45-9.30am, Tuesday 17 July 2018 at the Sir Colin Campbell Building, Triumph Road.

The programme

07:45-08:10: Registration, breakfast and networking

08:10-08:15: Welcome and introductions

08:15-09:00: Keynote

09:00-09:10: Q&A

09:10-09:30: The Shop Window

09:30: Networking – for those that want to stay on

Register your place at this event by visiting