How do we solve the productivity problem?

Sir Colin Campbell Building, Triumph Road - Nottingham NG7 2TU
Registration URL


According to Office for National Statistics data, productivity in the D2N2 region (Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire) is about 88% of the rest of the UK.

In 2015 this meant that an average worker in D2N2 produced around £10,700 less in gross value added (GVA) than an average worker in England. Aggregating across all employees in D2N2, this amounts to a productivity gap of more than £8.2 billion!

In light of these stark figures, it’s easy to see how increasing productivity could benefit a business’s bottom line, but addressing how to tackle this is often much harder – and is something that’s being discussed in earnest across the region.

Find out more about this topic by attending our latest Ingenuity breakfast event: 7:45-9:30am, Tuesday 25 September 2018.

Event Programme

  • 07.45–08.10am: Registration, breakfast and networking
  • 08.10–08.15: Welcome and introductions
  • 08.15–09.00: Keynote
  • 09.00–09.10: Q&A
  • 09.10–09.30: The Shop Window
  • 09.30: Networking – for those that want to stay on

Book your place on the Ingenuity website.